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“Custom Art Products & Services” 


We invite you to join BK Digital Artscape, a vibrant platform dedicated to showcasing the talents of artists like you.

As a member, you’ll have the opportunity to create your own portfolio and share your unique artwork with a diverse audience.

benefits joining us

1. Exposure:

A wide range of art enthusiasts, potential buyers, and fellow artists will see your art. This can
help increase your visibility and recognition in the art community. 

2. Earnings:

For every piece of your art that is downloaded or sold through our platform, you’ll receive the
majority of the profits. We only take a minimal 3% commission, ensuring that you’re rewarded fairly for
your work. 

3. Community:

You’ll be part of a supportive community of artists. This is a great place to network, learn, and grow as an artist. 

4. Flexibility:

You have complete control over your portfolio. You decide what art to display, set your own prices, and can update your portfolio at any time. 

5. Support:

Our team is always here to help. Whether you have questions about setting up your portfolio or
need technical support, we’ve got you covered. 

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